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Home > Unsorted > The authorities

Swedish customs CBRN-vanAnother shot of one of the customs CBRN vans.
Their objective is to patrol the Swedish shoretline as well as making spot tests in our harbours. Besides that, they are able to assist at accidens and crimes involving hazardous materials. They always drive around with a very sensitive gamma spectrometer turned on, which not only detects radiation, it tells which source material it originated from as well. Additionally, they can detect emitted neutrons, making it possible to detect radioactive material even when the source is heavily shielded.
Swedish customs CBRN-vanThis is one of the three currently existing CBRN vans in Sweden. It's operated by the customs service, and have sensors for detecting chemical, biological, radioactive, and nuclear hazards. Each car with equipment costed about 2.5 million SEK (350 000 U.S. dollar)

Right now, they are looking at adding even more sensors capable of detecting other hazardous chemicals (besides the war gasses which it already detects) as well as adding detectors for explosives.
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